NEW OPPORTUNITIES for us and for everyone

NEW OPPORTUNITIES for us and for everyone

Supporting technological transformation does not mean undergoing change, but managing it!
IT Never Stops, our motto reminds that the fair approach exists if we want to manage the dynamism of evolution.
Now that we are facing a state of emergency for the containment of the infection of the Covid-19 virus, we have the chance to read in a positive way and turn into opportunities what every situation of strong change suggests to us both in the personal and work spheres.
To ensure connectivity, information and learning, new collaborations have also been created thanks to “Solidarietà digitale“, an initiative of Italian Minister for technological innovation and digitalization with the technical support of the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, aims to reduce social and economic impact in areas with restrictions.
The idea is to use technologies for helping people personally and for work, allowing them to:
· remote working, through free and fast connectivity and using advanced smart working operation systems;
· reading for free a newspaper without going to the newsstand or reading a book on our own smartphone or tablet;
· staying updated with educational paths thanks to e-learning operation systems.

Now we can test this “smart” mode of working which is in strong development.
A proactive reaction that apparently slow down our rhythms for letting us focus on alternative perspectives permitting us to work.

What does SMART WORKING mean?
It means to benefit about flexibility in terms of time, space and tools to gain more empowerment improving both the performance and the satisfaction that is obtained from the job.
We can translate it in time, resources, and money saving considering for example only the moment of transport home-work.
Than we have digital technologies which, depending on their quality and spread, can expand the workspace and make it virtual, allow and support new ways of working, simplify communication, collaboration and create networks of professional relationship among colleagues and external collaborators.
We are talking about new real models of doing our job that can be tailored on enterprises according to their proper requirements and to meet their workers’ needs.

A new approach that, however, must not make us forget that to work well, you have to feel good.
An efficient perspective which improves the reconciliation of work life with personal and family life.
We are diving into a management of change also from a psychological point of view that must spur us to deal with it adequately without suffering the media impact.
The “Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi” promotes three good practices:
· Avoiding the compulsive search of information (It’s normal and functional, in a prevention mode, being scared of a new risk. However the fear decreases and reflects on its relationship with objective dangers than we clearly know what happens and what to do.)
· Using and spreading trusted information sources (It’s a good thing to respect what is known and documentable. Consider ONLY official information sources, updated and validated like Health Minister (Ministero della Salute): – and the Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità):
· A collective and non-personal event (Coronavirus is not a phenomenon that concerns us individually. Media produces an information that can give distorted effects because focusing on news in a fast and disturbing sequence on single cases rather than on overall objective data of the phenomenon. It’s important to consider this effect.)
Acting in an informed and responsible way by helping each other to do so, increases the ability of protect the community and each of us.
We take advantage of all the technological and psychological tools that this dynamic and innovative environment offers us to train ourselves to manage change from a new useful and effective perspective!